Monday, October 22, 2012

Thank you, Malala.

As I sit here on a Monday evening, in front of my laptop and the debate, I can't help but take a moment to reflect on just how lucky I am.  I am lucky to be able to read, to have access to technology, and to come home from a steady job everyday.

Last week, the news was focused on Malala Yousufzai, the 14 year old girl who was shot in Pakistan, defending her right to an education.  Not that I am happy this event occurred, but I do think it will create some very powerful talking points with elementary and middle schoolers over the next year.

As a teacher and a volunteer for a women's organization, I only hope that I can share the inspiring story of a young woman who risked her life to learn.  Imagine having to fight for your right to go to school - things like this help remind us all to be grateful for the blessed lives we lead.  Tonight, I am thankful for education and opportunity - and the chance to share this story with others.

Thank you to Malala Yousufzai for reminding us all to be proud of our educational opportunities and to love learning.

This post was written by Emily Fetcho, an educator and advocate for women and girls.

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