- Lexi, 14, was frustrated by the fact that there were no female hockey players in the NHL video games she loved playing. So, she wrote to the gamemaker, calling the exclusion of female players "unfair to women and girl hockey players around the world." Because of Lexi, female avatars will be used for the first time in NHL 12. Even better? The default avatar is modeled after Lexi!
- Stephanie, a high school senior, is an editor for the yearbook, plays tenor sax in concert band, and lettered in tennis this fall...all while recovering from a brain tumor.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Real Girls, Real Leadership: 11.30.11
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
One Step Closer.

Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Board.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Real Girls, Real Leadership: 10.4.11
- MaryAnn, 12, and her cousin Sam were honored as heroes for saving the life of a six-year-old girl who nearly drowned in an apartment pool. MaryAnn only learned to swim a year ago.
- Brianna, 18, kicked the winning field goal for her high school's football team, moments after being crowned homecoming queen. The kick was her personal best.
Friday, September 23, 2011
This dream has a name.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Weekend Reading: 9.10.11
Leading Muslim Girls Onto the Field: "Coach Fartun Osman, a rare female professional basketball player in her homeland, has made it her life mission to develop the athletic and leadership skills of Muslim girls, who she says often are overlooked by traditional sports teams because of cultural differences."
Teen Mom Stayed In School: "Pregnant and frightened at age 15, Bayza Weeks was told that her school, DeLaSalle High, believed in her. She did the rest."
Ladies That Know How to Lead:"These women leave a path of success, leadership and new methodologies behind as they continue to grow rather than destruction, devastation and questions of what is to come."
Power Dressing: "It’s really impossible to come up with a formula for successful political style. It’s all about the wider political, cultural and personal context."
Millenial Women: "Young adult women are working diligently to chart their own course forward professionally and personally, and their experiences chronicle the under-reported human costs stemming from failed policies and the lack of opportunity. Professional goals, personal plans and the momentum for advancement have either been placed on hold or are at-risk of stalling completely – Millennial women know America can do better."
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Friday, September 2, 2011
Weekend Reading: 9.2.11
Here are a couple of articles to add to your weekend reading list:
JCP pulls "Too Pretty To Do Homework" shirt from shelves.
New research says you can spot a future bully by age 1: "There was clearly a subset of babies, as young as age one, whose birthday-party bullying was corroborated by their mothers' reports of anger and aggression - suggesting a general disposition in these children."
Dealing with Teachers: "You have the power to put yourself in a positive light, regardless of how boring or unfair or bad tempered you believe your teacher to be."
Happy Labor Day Weekend!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Girls and the Digital Age
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Moving Forward.
This project is quickly becoming a reality. Six years ago, I wrote in a journal that my dream job would someday be to run a place that develops young leaders. Fast forward five years and I'm a lost law student who has slowly realized being a practicing attorney might not be my calling. A couple months ago, I pulled out that old journal looking for a quote and found my dream staring at me. Since then, like any good dream, it has been constantly in the back of my mind.
About a month ago, I decided to take the leap and commit. I am starting my own nonprofit focused on developing leadership skills in young girls in Minnesota. We are moving forward!
And I am so blessed from the start. One of my classes, Law of Nonprofit Organizations, has chosen my project to take on as a "client." This means I'll have legal assistance and another point of view as I draft the legal documents that will become the structure of my dream. The legal help will start in October so before then I have my work cut out for me. I need board members (3), $800, the start of a budget, and a real vision of what this organization is going to be.
I have my work cut out for me!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Weekend Reading: 7.22.11
Monday, July 18, 2011
Girls and Sports.
"Because this is a great team with entertaining personalities, worthy of our attention in the same way as other classic American teams from international competitions. Because this team has already taught my kids an important lesson about perseverance. While my girls hung their heads and whined about the lousy officiating (the hallmarks of any true sports fan) in the quarterfinal against Brazil, the players didn't succumb, gifting us instead one of the gutsiest last-minute comebacks of all time. And, yes, also because they're women. While this squad isn't trailblazing in the way the 1999 Cup winners were -- the first women to really break through to national consciousness in a team sport -- it's important for kids to see that iconic teams come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and hair lengths."
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Sunday Inspiration: 7.17.11
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
A Run for Glory.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Words of Wisdom: Alexandra C.
Name: Alexandra C., 25
Quick Career Bio: former Leadership Consultant for Kappa Kappa Gamma and current law student at the University of St. Thomas School of Law
What are you most proud of? I am most proud of the relationships I have built with the people in my life and the decisions I have made. Both have shaped me into the woman I am today.
Knowing what you know now, would you have done anything different in getting to where you are now? I would get rid of all the doubt I ever felt. Confidence is key - never lose your confidence by doubting yourself.
What does leadership mean to you? To me, leadership is constantly evolving. At it's core, leadership means knowing yourself and sharing your talents with others.
What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Heart. Every leader should be compassionate and capable of encouraging the heart.
What inspires you? I am inspired by seeing girls and women achieve their dreams!
What are the biggest challenges facing young girls today? One of the biggest challenges is the media and the assault on a young girl's self-esteem. True role models are hard to find, especially in popular Hollywood. Also, the ongoing inequality between men and women trickles down and affects young girls today.
What advice would you give to yourself as a young girl? Don't give up. Even when you feel lost, know you are special and can achieve your dreams.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sunday Inspiration: 7.10.11
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thursday's Thought: 7.7.11
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
The Leadership Challenge.

- Model the Way
- Inspire a Shared Vision
- Challenge the Process
- Enable Others to Act
- Encourage the Heart
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Sunday Inspiration: 7.3.11
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Thursday's Thought: 6.30.11
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
I Can.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Lead Anyway.
How to Talk to Girls.
Try this the next time you meet a little girl. She may be surprised and unsure at first, because few ask her about her mind, but be patient and stick with it. Ask her what she's reading. What does she like and dislike, and why? There are no wrong answers. You are just generating an intelligent conversation that respects her brain. For older girls, ask her about current events issues: pollution, wars, school budgets slashed. What bothers her out there in the world? How would she fix it if she had a magic wand? You may get some intriguing answers. Tell her about your ideas and accomplishments and your favorite books. Model for her what a thinking woman says and does.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The Vital Voices ANNpower Initiative.
True Leadership.
"I want to pause for a moment on that word - leadership - because I know that so often, when we think about what that word means, what it means to be a leader, we think of presidents and prime ministers. We think of people who pass laws or command armies, run big businesses, people with fancy titles, big salaries.
And most young people don't fit that image. And I know that often when you try to make your voices heard, sometimes people don't always listen. I know there are those who discount your, opinions, who tell you you're not ready who say that you should sit back and wait your turn.
But I am here today because when it comes to the challenges we face, we simply don't have time to sit back and wait.
I'm here because I believe that each of you is ready, right here and right now, to start meeting these challenges.
And I am here because I know that true leadership - leadership that lifts families, leadership that sustains communities and transform nations - that kind of leadership rarely starts in palaces or parliaments.
That kind of leadership is not limited only to those of a certain age or status. And that kind of leadership is not just about dramatic events that change the course of history in an instant.
Instead, true leadership often happens with the smallest acts, in the most unexpected places, by the most unlikely individuals."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Sunday Inspiration: 6.26.11
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Beginning.
How you treat people matters. If you are happy matters. If you love, share, hope, believe...it matters. It matters if you are passionate. For me, that is what matters.
So, why The Girls Leadership Project? Because I am passionate about women and leadership. And with the development of their leadership skills, girl leaders become women leaders. And the world could use (a lot) more women leaders.
I have found my passion and I want to share it with you. The Girls Leadership Project is about giving young girls the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and find out what matters to them. And if I'm lucky, some girl will find what she's passionate about. This is just the beginning!